You maybe surprised to know that among the 750 million users of Facebook worldwide, there are probably at least a few scammers… In fact, Facebook scams and frauds became very common in the last couple of years and if you work from home online you are more likely to be exposed because the nature of your work.
Unlike other scams online, In most cases Facebook scams and frauds don’t ask your credit card number or request money transfer. They want your account information (username and password) or they want to install some malware or spyware on your PC. Here are the most common Facebook scams and frauds:
Hot Gossip
“Sexy new pictures of…”, “Watch Brad Pitt eating dinner” or “Dexter bloopers” links are always tempting to click on. Clicking on this headline will lead to another (look alike) Facebook page that request another click, which will be the confirmation to install the malware on your PC.

Log In Again
This fraud can come from many sources- Email, website, blog or from Facebook itself. You are asked to reconnect to Facebook but this time this is an external site that looks exactly like the Facebook login page and intend to steal your private information.

Breaking News
Scammers will do absolutely everything! They don’t have any sensitivity and boundaries: They will report a big disaster, death of someone famous or sick children, all in the name of the fraud!

Email From Facebook
You open your inbox and you see an Email from (allegedly) Facebook: It can be from the “security team” that asks you to verify your details or it can be a request to confirm a friend request…

Apparently many scammers managed to put their hands on facebook.(not com) domains. Although these websites looks like Facebook, let me assure you that they are very much different!