According to a report by Forrester Research, by 2016 the US interactive marketing spending will stand at 35% from all advertising and will be equal to TV advertising spending. It also predicts that the mobile and social media industries will be the fastest growing ones.
5 Years Growth In All Online Industries
What is very clear is that all online industries will grow steadily in the next 5 years without any exception. It demonstrates also (and maybe mostly) the growth of the internet and how it is taking bigger and bigger parts of our lives with every year that goes by.
Today (2011), interactive marketing has a 19% share of all advertisers with about $34.5 million of spending. In 2016, it predicted to grow by 122% to $76.7 million and as stated will take a share of 35% from all advertisers.
Search Will Remain The Biggest Although Growing Slower
The spending on search marketing will remain the biggest with a predicted annual average growth of 12%. However, it will go down from about 54% share of interactive marketing spending in 2011 to about 44% in 2016.
Mobile Marketing And Social Media Are Storming
The two fastest growing online industries are predicted to be the mobile and the social media. The mobile industry predicted to grow by an annual average of 38% and the social media predicted to grow an annual average of 26%.
Final Thought – Google (Intend) Taking Over The Interactive World
I don’t know if the fellows at Google had this report or a similar one earlier, but all of their recent strategic moves are compatible with its conclusions: They are the leading search engine worldwide (therefore the leading search advertising provider), they presented their social network Google+ a few months ago and a month ago they acquired Motorola Mobility. Going for world domination?