In the next upcoming days Facebook will improve its photo sharing and viewing feature interface. On its official blog, Facebook product manager Justin Shaffer announced that photos will be showed bigger and will load faster.
Here is the new appearance of the photo feature interface:

The photos will grow bigger to 720-960 pixels, providing more clean and detailed appearance. The photo feature will take a larger part of the screen without the black background and with fewer icons, putting the photo in the center of attention with less distraction (like it should).
Improving One Of Its Most Popular Features
The photo application is one of the most popular features on Facebook – More than 250 million new photos are uploaded every day and billions of photos are viewed and commented on. As one of its most popular features, Facebook is constantly trying to improve it, based on the users feedback.
This is the third significant change to Facebook photos interface: On September of last year Facebook introduced the new interface we are now so familiar with, On February this year it improved it more by supporting better high resolution photos and now making it bigger, cleaner and faster to load.
I am only guessing that the next significant improvement will be full support for 3d photos…