In a new blog post in Google official blog, Google are praising search ads, reviewing their evolving over the years and overview the new enhanced ad formats. They refer the readers to a new search ad answers section for more information about it.

Search ads are a major advertising source for many people who work at home, therefore its important to know what exactly they can offer. Let’s review what are the main enhanced search ad formats presented in the new search ad answers section Google are offering:
Social Recommendations- The +1 button is integrated into the ads and whenever the user is logged in his Google account, he can see if his friends have +1’d websites that appears.
Video Ad- Google is offering the possibility to add a video box right inside the ad where users can watch it directly inside it.
Reviews- A nice feature of stars rating- Users can rate the website or products.
Location- The advertiser can add a visual location using Google Places.
Sitelinks- Just like the organic search result sitelinks. Google are stating that users are clicking 50% more on ads with sitelinks.
Google are also backing up their (persuasions?) efforts with statistics:
– A billion daily searches on Google.
– Outside of the U.S. search queries, are responsible for more than half of the searches.
– 89% of search ad clicks won’t be replaced by organic search clicks.
– Users are 27% more favorable of a brand after seeing its ad.
– 77% of mobile users are using search in their mobile devices.
Final Thought
When engaging with advertising online, search ads are definitely one of the first places to look in to. According to all reports, search ads are the most dominant form of online advertising (Internet Advertising Revenue Report and Interactive Marketing Spending Research) and will probably remain as dominant at least in the next upcoming years.
Video: Google Search Ads